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及时雨资料文档库淘宝店htps:/doc88..taobao.comStory Time内容:Hello,I'm Andy&I have a new bagI like green Here is my scooter歌曲:Hi,HelIo,what's your name?(P2)Do you have...?(P35)Let's have a fun (-P10)If you are happy人物:Mr Leo:郭东华Andy:郭怡恒Koto:谢荣标Amy:邓瑶Bobby:胡睿Tommy::黄冠华Sammy:郭金道具准备:头饰7,Andy尾巴1,黑板1,课桌7,铅笔盒,课本,尺子,橡皮擦,书包,气球(紫、粉红、黄、绿),滑板车2,鸭舌帽2,手表2,跳绳2,纸飞机,玩具汽车,毽子。Andy:Hi!My name is Andy.What's your name?Bobby:I'm Bobby.Koto:I'm Koto.Amy:My name is Amy.M r Leo:Good morning,I'm Mr Leo.合:Good morning,Mr Leo..M r Leo:Can you sing?合:Yes,Ican.Ok,let's sing together!齐唱《Hi,Hello,What's your name?》M r Leo:Bobby!Bobby:Here,M r Leo.M r Leo:Amy!Amy:Here,Mr Leo.M r Leo:Koto!Koto:I'm here.Mr Leo.Mr Leo:Tommy!QQ583259199及时雨资料文档库淘宝店htps/doc88.taobao.comTommy:Here,Mr Leo.M r Leo:Sammy!Sammy:Here,M r Leo.M r Leo:Andy!.Andy:Here!M r Leo.M r Leo:Show me your pencil-case!合:I have a pencil-case.(展示铅笔盒)M r Leo:Show me your ruler!合:I have a ruler..(展示尺子)M r Leo:Show me your rubber!合:I have a rubber..(展示橡皮擦)M r Leo:Show me something newBobby:I have a new bag.Amy:I have a new pencil.Andy:I have a new pencil-case.Koto:E r...I have...I have a new tooth合:Me too!Mr Leo:Good!Great!Wonderful合:Good!Great!Wonderful!可Andy和Tommy还在做小动作.M r Leo:Tommy and Tommy!!Don't talk in class!(批评的语气)Tommy Sammy:Yes,Mr Leo.M r Leo:Please open your books turn to page 40.Who can show this story?合:Let me try!M r Leo:Andy and Tommy!Come here and show a storyplease!Tommy Sammy:Ok!Andy:I have a bag.Do you have a bag?QQ583259199及时雨资料文档库淘宝店htps:/doc88.taobao.comTommy:Yes,I do.Andy:I have a cap.Do you have a cap?Tommy:Yes,I do.Andy:I have a watch.Do you have a watch?Tommy:Yes,I do.Andy:I have a scooter.Do you have a scooter?Tommy:Yes,I do.Andy:Er...Tommy:Ha ha!Andy:Oh!No,I don'tM r Leo:Good!Great!Wonderful!合:Good!Great!Wonderful!M r Leo:Good!Great!Wonderful!M r Leo:Please open your books turn to page 35.Let's sing asong.齐唱《Do you have..?》M r Leo:Good!Great!Wonderful!合:Good!Great!Wonderful!M r Leo:Now ,Class is over!Goodbye,Children!合:Goodbye,M r Leo!(下课了)(齐唱《Let's have a fun)》,一边唱一边跳绳,玩,唱歌)Sammy:Balloons!I have some balloons.would you like to play with me合:Balloons!I like the balloons!Andy:I like green.Amy:I like pink.Koto:I like purple.Bobby:I like yellow.Andy:I like yellow too.Give it to me.合:Are you OK?QQ583259199
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